The previous chapter dealt with the Backus-Gilbert
retrieval procedure, which is based on simple manipulations of weighting
functions and corresponding manipualtions of observables to arrive at a
set of imaginary weighting functions, called averaging kernels, and the
brightness temperatures that such averaging kernels would produce. The
final step was to assign this hypothetical TB to an applicable altitude
corresponding to the hypothetical TB's averaging kernel. The entire
procedure had a minimum of assumptions, the principal one being the
shape of the weighting function for each observable (frequency and
elevation angle of viewing direction). A wide range of assumed
temperature profiles would produce a similar set of weighting function
shapes, so the Backus-Gilbert retrieval procedure should work in almost
any atmosphere regime (tropical, mid-latitude, polar summer, polar
winter, etc).
In this chapter we will deal with a procedure that assumes we know what
atmospheric regime we are are flying in, and this added information
will lead to an increment of performance improvement. However, it is
often criticized for biasing the T(z) solution toward
an average for that regime, and when an unusual T(z) is encountered its
unusual features will be under-represented in the T(z) solution. The
user must be alert to this situation, and be prepared to take steps to not be misled. Again, I'm
getting ahead of myself; let's describe what the "statistical retrieval
procedure" is.
Concepts Underlying Statistical Retrieval Procedure
Consider the hypothetical situation of an MTP flying over many RAOB
sites on many dates at altitude Zo. After completing this hypothetical
set of observations it would be possible to create a data base of MTP
observables associated with each known RAOB-based profile, T(z). The
user could then pose the
question "If I'm flying at altitude Zo and I want to
know the most likely air temperature at altitude Z, how might I use
this data base to determine T at Z?"
One approach is to perform a multiple regression of T at Z (as the
dependent variable) upon the MTP observables (as the independent
variables). This could be done using a spreadsheet, for example. The
multiple regression solution produces a coefficient for each
observable, allowing T (at altitude Z) to be calculated in the
following manner:
T = C0 + C1 * O1 + C2 * O2 + ... + CN * ON
where there are N observables (N is typically between 10 and 30). The
coefficients are called "retrieval coefficients." The number of RAOB
flybys for such an analysis, R, would have to exceed N by a large
amount, and it is generally recognized that R must exceed ~100 to
assure that the coefficients Ci are useful.
In order to derive T for another altitude the above procedure could be
repeated. If there are L altitudes for which coefficients are
calculated then there will be a N x L matrix of coefficients that can
be used to calculate a profile of T(z) for L discreet altitudes.
For flight at another altitude the entire procedure, above, would have
to be repeated. When this has been done for a range of altitudes, such
as 6, 8, 10, ... 20 km, the collection of retrieval coefficients for
all flight altitudes can be referred to as a "retrieval coefficient
set." A retrieval coefficient set obtained in this way would be useable
for flight at any altitude for future flights provided the flights were
made in the same geographical region during the same season. Henceforth
I shall use the term RCs to mean "retrieval coefficients" and also "a
retrieval coefficient set."
Clearly, it is not feasible to fly in a specific area during a specific
season for the hundreds of hours needed to obtain several hundred cases
of simultaneous RAOB data simply to be prepared for the science flights
at that location and season. Instead of using actual MTP observations
as input to the multiple regression analyses it is possible to use
"calculated observables." This oxymoron-sounding terminology is not
misleading, since it should be possible to calculate what a perfectly
calibrated MTP would observe if it were placed at a specified altitude
in an atmosphere with T(z) given by a RAOB. This, in fact, is a
practical way for deriving RCs.
Dealing With Stochastic Uncertainties and Systematic Errors
It is impossible to achieve a perfect calibration of any radiometer.
Fortunately, there's a way to allow for an imperfectly calibrated MTP
when calculating RCs. The process can best be
described using matrix terminology, which I will not do in this web
page. I will merely state that an "error matrix" can be created (the
diagonal elements of an N x N array are used to specify estimated
systematic uncertainties for the N observables), and this matrix is
added to an auto-covariance matrix of the observables before it is
inverted, etc. The matrix manipulation procedure which I will not
describe is equivalent to repeating the perfect MTP calculation of
RCs many times, where each time the perfect
observables have been altered in a stochastic manner that simulates
systematic uncertainties.
Even if the MTP were perfectly calibrated it is still subject to a
stochastic component of noise on each observable. This stochastic
component of observable uncertainty is usually less important than the
systematic error component, but there is a way to allow for it when
calculating RCs. Usually the two components
(stochastic and systematic) are "lumped together" (orthogonally added)
and treated in the manner alluded to above.
This completes my description of the
"statistical retrieval" procedure. It has emphasized underlying
concepts instead of procedural steps. Additional procedural information
can be found in many places, including my Rockwell tutorial web page
Also, Dr. M. J. Mahoney has become expert in many sophisticated
versions of the statistical retrieval procedure and I prefer to refer
the reader to his web pages on this subject (when they become
Comparison with Backus-Gilbert
It is interesting to compare the values of statistical RCs with the values of corresponding Backus-Gilbert
coefficients. Recall that both approaches make use of the same
expression for calculating temperature at a specific altitude: T = C0 + C1 * O1 + C2 * O2 + ... + CN * ON. When the coefficient values are ordered by their associated observable's applicable altitude both plots are similar.
As shown in the next figure the coefficient values typically start out
small in absolute value, then go negative before abruptly
growing to high positive values in the region corresponding to the
observable that contains the most "information" about the altitude in
question, then decrease and go negative, then oscillate above and below
zero to vanishing small values. This intuitively expected behavior is
just a restatement of where information resides among the series of
observables for the altitude under consideration. The presence of
negative regions astride the main positive region simply means that the
statistical retrieval procedure leads to retrieved T(z) that has
sharper structure features than the "simplest possible" procedure
described in Chapter 6 - in which TB(Ra) is converted to T(z) by
assuming T = TB and z = Zo+Ra*sine(theta). The advantage of the
statistical retrieval over Backus-Gilbert is that it is easier to calculate

Figure 8.1. Typical shape of RC values plotted versus the
applicable altitude of the associated observable. This RC sequence is
for retrieving temperature at an altitude of 2.4 km.
There's another property of the statistical retrieval procedure that
should be kept in mind. Since it involves finding a solution that
minimizes the RMS of residuals (in observable space) it will produce
solutions that tend to resemble the average of the RAOBs used in the
simulation archive. This is both a strength and a weakness of the
statistical retrieval procedure. It is a strength when flying though
air that resembles the archive, but it is a weakness when flying though
air that differs from the archive. In other words, when a rare but
significant atmospheric situation is encountered the simple statistical
retrieval procedure is likely to produce T(z) results that are inferior
to a Backus-Gilbert based retrieval. Fortunately, the statistical
retrieval user has a way to recognize this situation, and recovering
from naievely accepting a misleading result. It involves comparing
observables with the archive average observables, and when they differ
by more than some subjective threshold an automatic search for a new
set of RCs can be performed. This is a strength of
the statistical retrieval procedure in which Dr. Mahoney has become
The next chapter describes ways to overcome the limitations of the
statistical retrieval procedure by 1) stratifying RCs, 2) trial and
error RC selection, and 3) calulation of RCs based on a post-mission
selection of RAOBs resembling those encountered during the mission. The
chapter after that describes a totally new procedure, a search for the
best fit within an immense data base of pre-calulated observables for
selecting T(z). It also describes a
"mutation and evolution" retrieval procedure that is very amusing for its oddity.
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