So far we've assumed that the emitting region is a
half-space with uniform temperature throughout. This assumption can be
violated in two ways: 1) physical temperature can vary with viewing
angle withint the antenna pattern, and 2) physical
temperature can vary with depth along the line-of-sight for a specific
view. Each of these wil be treated in this chapter.
Angular non-uniformity is a trivial case to treat. If, for
example, half of an antenna pattern projects onto a surface with
physical temperature T1 and the other half projects onto a surface with
physical temperature T2, then since the rate of photon emission is
linearly proportional to physical temperature (as described in Chapter
1) we know
that the apparent brightness temperature of the two materials viewed
simultaneously by one antenna beam will be the average of T1 and T2.
Depth non-uniformity is more difficult to understand.

Figure 4.1 This diagram of a emissive material in a
half-space with designated layers 1 to infinity will be used in the
text to explain the radiative transfer equation. Photons emitted from
layers at temperature T1, T2, etc. are received by a horn antenna and
radiometer on the left.
First we'll treat the general case in which temperature varies with
depth in a manner that is not restricted to linear. The temperature at
layer "i" is Ti, and "i" goes from 1 to infinity (throughout the
half-space). The photons from layer 1 that leave the surface in a
direction toward the horn antenna travel without intervening absorption
all the way to the horn, where they are "captured" and delivered to a
detector in a radiometer. The thickness of layer 1, and all other
layers, is chosen small enough that the layer is almost transparent.
The probability that a photon incident upon layer 1 will be absorbed is
f1, so the probability of a photon traveling though the
layer without
being absorbed is 1-f1. The number of photons emitted by layer 1 is
only f1 times what would be emitted by a thick blackbody at temperature
T1. (That's intuitive, and I won't try to prove it.) Therefore, the
number of photons from layer 1 that are received by the horn antenna is
proportioanl to T1 * f1.
The number of photons emitted by layer 2 will be proportional to T2 and
f2. The fraction of them that pass through layer 1 is 1-f1. So the
layer 2 contribution to the number of photons received by the horn
antenna is proportional to T2 * f2
* (1-f1). A
pattern is emerging,
described by the following equation.
TB = T1 * f1
+ T2 * f2 *
(1-f1) + ... +
Ti * f i * (1-f1) * (1-f2) * ... * (1-fi-1) + ...
If we double the thickness of a layer then f will double, so let's say
that f = K * w, where K is an absorption coefficient and "w" is a
thickness. For a given layer, we have fi = Ki
* wi. The
number of
photons emitted by a layer is proportional to its temperature, and is
also proportional to its absorption coefficient and thickness, so this
number is proportional to Ti * K i * w i . It's not necessary that all
layers be the same thickness, only that they have a transparency close
to 1 (so that this model will be correct in the limit of ever shallower
This model for radiative transfer is straightforward, and can be easily
programmed. A radiative transfer model using integrals follows from
this layer model. Let's adopt the following terminology:
T(r) = source function (temperature versus range
from the
W(r) = weighting function (proportional contribution
versus range from the
TB = observed quantity (same units as T),
then TB can be expressed using integrals, where instead of discrete
layers we employ the independent variable r (range).

Figure 4.2 Integral expression for what a radiometer measures when
the source function (temperature) varies with range, as in T(r), and a
weighting function varies with range, as in W(r).
Let's consider a simple case in which Ki is the
same for all layers, or using the integral equation notation K(r) is a
constant. Those experienced with integrals will notice that for this
case the weighting function W(r) becomes a simple exponential function
having the following form:
W(r) = e-r/constant
It may also be obvious to those experienced with
exponentials that an exponential weighting function applied to a linear
source function produces a result that is the same as the source
function at the location where the weighting function has the value
1/e. The constant in the above equation is
referred to in the remote sensing community by the term "applicable
range" - for obvious reasons. If the reader is unsure of this, then
please consider a proof of this to be a "homework assignment."
This meaning for "applicable range" is very important for those using
an MTP. What it says is that if we assume that temperature changes
linearly with range throughout an emitting material, and if we
can further assume that the absorption coefficient of the emitting
material is the same throughout the relevant part of the line-of-sight
path into the emitting material, then the brightness temperature
measured by the MTP is equal to the temperature at a range given by the
"applicable range."
In Fig. 4.1 it was assumed that there was a vacuum between the horn
antenna and the first layer, but now it is time to bring that first
layer right up to the horn antenna. This is the situation for
observations with an MTP embedded within the emitting material, the
Now that the reader is imagining an MTP flying
within the atmosphere, let us further imagine that the MTP horn antenna
is rotated so that it views the atmospheric emission at an angle
inclined "theta" degrees above to the local horizon, as depicted in the
following figure.

Figure 4.3. Geometry of an MTP looking in a direction inclined
above the horizon and measuring a brightness temperature, TB, that is
approximately equal to the atmosphere's temperature at an applicable
range Ra.
The MTP's measurement of brightness temperature can be used to estimate
the temperature at the location of the applicable range Ra, provided
the applicable range can be calculated from the atmosphere's absorption
coefficient using the relation Ra [km] = 1/K [km-1], where K
is the atmosphere's absorption coefficient [Nepers/km] at flight
altitude. Notice that from simple geometry that the physical
temperature inferred from a brightness temperature measurement can be
assigned to an altitude relative to the altitude of the MTP instrument.
This leads to the concept of "applicable altitude," Za. With the MTP
mounted in an airplane flying at the altitude Zo,
Za = Zo + Ra * sine (theta)
Provided T(z) is a linear function (along the line-of-sight), it is
straight forward to convert TB(theta) to T(z). This insight provides a
glimpse of the basic remote sensing strategies
that will be explained in more detail in future chapters. Before this
is done, however, we should have a better understanding of the
absorption coefficient of the atmosphere, which will be treated in the
next chapter.
Note: It is not my intent to dwell on the
details of the
radiative transfer equation since it is part of a well-established
scientific literature. The reader may want to confirm some statements
made in the previous paragraphs by doing self-assigned homework. I hope
this is not necessary, as there is much material to cover in future
chapters, and I don't want to review at every instance what is
well-known within the remote sensing community. My intent is to
describe things that are somewhat unique to the MTP. The goal of this
chapter was to show that when temperature varies with
range, MTP observes a brightness temperature that is approximately the
same as the physical temperature at a range called the "applicable
range" - which can be easily converted to an altitude using simple
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