Gregor Srdoc, at the controls of the 12-inch Meade LX200 telescope
used for most of his exoplanet observations. Note the piggly-backed
Celestron refractor and telephoto lens.
Observatory Info
Optics: Meade 12" LX200 SCT, Celestron 80/900 achromat, Carl Zeiss 180mm
f/2.8 telephoto lens
Mount: Fork LX200 Classic
Cameras: SBIG ST6b and EOS400D
Filters: R (Meade 12-inch)
Observatory Type: permanent pier, double telescope cover
Location: Sarsoni 90, Viskovo, Croatia: N 45° 23' 04" , E 14°
24' 40", elevation = 410 meters\
Software: MaxIm DL for control of telescope and CCD (via TheSky5).
MaxIm DL and Muniwin for photometry extraction. Excel and Open Office for
data analysis.
This site opened: November 05, 2007. Last Update: 2009.08.07