YY Gem Light Curves for Session #9
This web page shows individual YY Gem light curves for the official monitoring interval of this session: Jan 11, 17 UT to Jan 12, 17 UT.


Flare 21.83 UT (217 mmag, B; 82 mmag, V). Flare 22.79 UT (60 mmag, B).

YYYYMMDD    JD start - JD end    Len[hr]  Band  Observer     Event    Comments 

2012.01.12 5938.679 - 5939.054 9.0 hrs Bs Garlitz S no flares
2012.01.12 5938.633 - 5938.771 3.3 hrs V Cindy Foote S no flares
2012.01.12 5938.633 - 5938.772 3.3 hrs Rc Cindy Foote S no flares
2012.01.12 5938.627 - 5938.992 8.8 hrs B Jerry Foote S maybe a flare at 9.5 UT
2012.01.12 5938.626 - 5938.991 8.8 hrs Ic Jerry Foote S maybe a flare at 9.5 UT
2012.01.11 5938.241 - 5938.676 10.4 hrs B Zambelli P 2 flares, at UT = 21.8 210 mmag
5938.241 - 5938.677 10.5 hrs V Zambelli P 1 flare, 21.8 UT, 80 mmag
2012.01.11 5938.190 - 5938.666 12.6 hrs Rs Srdoc P 1 flare, 21.8 UT, 36 mmag




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WebMaster: B. GaryNothing on this web page is copyrighted. This site opened:  2012.01.12 Last Update:  2012.03.31, 22:00 UT