YY Gem Light Curves for Session #7
This web page shows individual YY Gem light curves for the official monitoring interval of this session: Jan 09, 17 UT to Jan 10, 17 UT.


Flare at 23.6, 90 mmag (B), 80 mmag (V). None after, up to 13.6 UT.

YYYYMMDD    JD start - JD end    Len[hr]  Band  Observer     Event    Flares       Sine Amp      Comments 

2012.01.10 5936.559 - 5937.069 12.2 hrs g' Gary P no flares 21 mmag
2012.01.10 5936.560 - 5937.070 12.2 hrs r' Gary P no flares 13 mmag
2012.01.10 5936.561 - 5937.070 12.2 hrs i' Gary P no flares 5 mmag
2012.01.10 5936.562 - 5937.071 12.2 hrs z' Gary P no flares 7 mmag 
2012.01.09 5936.438 - 5936.731 7.0 hrs V Gregorio P 1 flare ? mmag

2012.01.09 5936.251 - 5936.676 10.2 hrs B Zambelli S 1 flare 26 mmag
2012.01.09 5936.252 - 5936.675 10.2 hrs V Zambelli S 1 flare 48 mmag

oot AMC = -6.9 mmag/airmass

oot AMC = -6.2 mmag/airmass (v2622)

oot = -5.0 mmag/airmass (v2627)

oot AMC = -3.8 mmag/airmass (v2630)




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WebMaster: B. GaryNothing on this web page is copyrighted. This site opened:  2012.01.10 Last Update:  2012.06.30, 22:46 UT