YY Gem Light Curves for Session #6
This web page shows individual YY Gem light curves for the official monitoring interval of this session: Jan 8, 17 UT to Jan 9, 17 UT.


Flare at 22.7, 30 mmag (V).

YYYYMMDD    JD start - JD end    Len[hr]  Band  Observer     Event    Flares       Sine Amp      Comments 

2012.01.09 5935.662 - 5936.051 9.3 hrs Bs Garlitz P no flare 8 mmag
2012.01.09 5935.629 - 5936.029 9.6 hrs V Foote C P no flare 3 mmag
2012.01.09 5935.630 - 5936.029 9.6 hrs Rc Foote C P no flare 18 mmag
2012.01.09 5935.622 - 5936.030 9.8 hrs B Foote J P no flare ?
2012.01.09 5935.622 - 5936.030 9.8 hrs Ic Foote J P no flare 56 mmag
2012.01.08 5935.335 - 5935.696 9.3 hrs V Gregorio S 1 flare ? OOT change after transit (?)
2012.01.08 5935.286 - 5935.681 9.5 hrs Bs Zambelli S 1 flare 60 mmag
2012.01.08 5935.286 - 5935.680 9.5 hrs V Zambelli S 1 flare 43 mmag









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WebMaster: B. GaryNothing on this web page is copyrighted. This site opened:  2012.01.09 Last Update:  2012.03.19, 23:50 UT