Bruce L. Gary (GBL), Hereford Arizona Observatory (G95)

This web page presents a graph of each of my XO-1 transit observations. The most recent one is at the top of the page, so figure numbers start at one from the bottom..

XO1 LC 2006.03.14

Figure 4. Complete transit observation of 2006.03.14.

Figure 3. Based on ingress = 2006.03.06, 11:31 +/- 00:04 UT, combined with previous timings, I estimate P = 3.94157 +/- 0.00002 day.

<>LC July 5

Figure 2. July 5, 2005 UT. Each read symbol is a 160-second average. Clouds degraded data during most of the pre-"meridian flip" session. A small correction to the pre-meridian flip data has been applied (+0.002 mag) in order to achieve constancy of the nearby reference star #1 (12.37 R-mag).
<>Egress end was predicted to occur at 4.63 UT. Instead, it ocurred at 5.20 UT, or 0.57 hours (34 minutes) later. Mid-egress occurs at 2005.07.05, 04:59:17 UT, or JD = 2453556.7078 +/- 0.0020. The observed depth is poorly defined to be 21 +- 3 mmag.

Light curve for July 1, 2005

Figure 1. Light curve during event of July 1, 2005 UT. Each read symbol is a 70-second average. Clouds degraded data after mid-t r a n s i t.

This is my first observation of XO-1. The predicted egress end time for this transit was 5.57 UT. The observed egress end at 6.75 UT is 1.18 hours later. Mid-ingress occurs at 2005.07.01, 03:54:10 UT, or JD = 2453552.6626 +/- 0.0030. Mid-egress occurs at 06:19:37, or JD = 2453552.7636 +/- 0.0038. The mid-transit time is estimated to be JD = 2453552.7131 +/- 0.0048. The observed depth is 23 +- 3 mmag.


This site opened:  May18, 2006 Last Update:  May 18, 2006