The following two iamges were made with a Canon 10D digital camera mounted piggy-back to a Meade ETX-125EC telescope. I was inspired to try this after seeing the superlative results of Paul Howell, who says that he used a Canon 1Ds-Mark II digital camera and a 200 mm f/2.8 lens stopped to f/5.6. His image is at PH.

9.3 x 6.2 'arc FOV  
Figure 1. Corona Borealis, FOV = 9.3 x 6.2 'arc. XO-1 is located between the bars, on the left. This image has been reduced to1/3 size of the original. [Canon 10D, 135 mm, f/5.6, ISO 800, RAW images converted to 16-bit TIFF; 12 30-second exposures, dark frame corrected; 2006.07.09, Hereford Arizona Observatory]

Larger size version of preceding image

Figure 2. Crop of original image.


Figure 3. Zoom factor 2, showing XO-1. Faintest stars have V-mag ~14. FOV = 2.5 x 1.7 degrees. [Williams Optics Megrez 80, f/6, Canon 10D; three 10-sec exposures; 2006.07.10]

Figure 4. Zoom factor 6. XO-1 is indicated by cross-hair lines. Faintest stars have V-mag ~17. [Meade RCX400 14-inch, SBIG ST-8XE CCD; 2006.04.19, Hereford Arizona Observatory]

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This site opened:  July 9, 2006 Last Update:  July 10, 2006