Basic Info
2MASS 23435072+3232468
RA/DE = 23:43:50.5 +32:32:46
V = 12.8; UCAC3a=13.401; r' = 13.084,
J = 13.171 (29), K = 13.179 (28); Vt=13.139; Bsc=13.278, R2sc=13.207
Isc=13.13 (sc = SuperCosmos), Vucac3 = 13.08 ± 0.08
Observation Summary

YYYYMMDD JD start - JD end Len[hr] Band Observer RMS10 Sine Amplitude & Period
20110911 5816.250 - 5816.567 7.6 hrs C Ayiomamitis 5.5 mmag, smooth
20110909 5814.598 - 5814.763 4.0 hrs R Harvard-C. -.- mmag, clouds
20110909 5814.412 - 5814.690 6.7 hrs C Salas 3.7 mmag, smooth
20110909 5814.377 - 5814.467 2.2 hrs C Zambelli 1.5 mmag, smooth.
20110908 5812.656 - 5813.000 8.3 hrs C Foote, J. 2.5 mmag, smooth
20110908 5813.412 - 5813.700 6.9 hrs C Salas 1.4 mmag, smooth as silk and almost noiselss!
20110908 5813.333 - 5813.404 1.7 hrs G Zambelli 4.3 mmag, 2 possible brightenings
20110909 5813.691 - 5813.834 3.4 hrs C Wiggins 4.7 mmag, smooth
20110908 5812.662 - 5812.837 4.2 hrs C Wiggins 4.2 mmag, 1 or 2 10-mmag dips
Light Curves

raw spo

raw spo "Intermittent cloud cover..." "About 2 hours into the observing run we began to have really bad cloud cover."

raw spo

raw spo Very low noise.

raw spo

raw spo Look at this beautiful LC! The pro's should take lessons from some of the PAWM amateurs!

raw spo No one else was observing to confirm the two brightenings.

raw spo Bad weather foced an early abort.

raw spo

Expanded mag scale. Seeing was "really bad" so "shut down early." The dips were probably caused by differing amounts of PSF spillover for tartget and 2 ref stars.
Finder Images

Aladin image.
Gary. This site opened: 2011.09.07. Last Update: 2011.09.10