WD 2331-475
Basic Info
2MASS 23340220-4714264
RA/DE = 23:34:02.2 -47:14:27
V = 13.42, B-V = -0.31; J = 14.127, K = 14.296;
UCAC3a = 13.996, Vucac3 = 13.538
Observation Summary

YYYYMMDD JD start - JD end Len[hr] Band Observer RMS10 & Sine Amplitude & Period
20110923 5828.018 - 5828.277 6.2 hrs C Tan 1.9 mmag, sine 2.4 ± 0.5 mmag, 1.4 hrs, probably "spurious"
20110923 5828.040 - 5828.225 4.4 hrs C Fukui/Tristram 2.1 mmag, smooth
20110922 5827.049 - 5827.229 4.3 hrs C Fukui/Tristram 1.1 mmag, smooth
20110921 5825.908 - 5826.182 6.6 hrs C Curtis 2.6 mmag, sine 3.6 ± 0.5 mmag, 1.8 hrs, probably "spurious" (see plot, below)
20110921 5826.048 - 5826.230 4.4 hrs C Fukiu/Tristram 1.1 mmag, smooth
Light Curves

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Although the amplitude is small (in the "spurious" zone), and it is not supported by the Fukui/Tristram LC (below).

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Comparing the two LCs below to see if variations are corroborated; they aren't.

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This variation is in the "spurious" zone, and is also not corroborated by the Fukui/Tristram LC, below (according to my visual inspection).

raw spo
Finder Images

Aladin image.
Gary. This site opened: 2011.09.21. Last Update: 2011.09.24