Basic Info
2MASS 23284760+0514540
RA/DE = 23:28:47.3 +05:14:51
V = 13.05, B-V = +0.16; r' = 13.195, J = 13.132,
K = 12.689; UCAC3a = 12.827, Vucac3 = 12.813
This WD is supposed to have a debris disk (Koester
& Wilken, 2006), based on the presence of "metals" in the spectrum
The disk is likely to be very thin, like Saturn's rings,
and its orientation is unknown.
This star is a well-known variable, of the ZZ Ceti
type. The dominant period is ~ 10 minutes, and the amplitude of variation
can be large.
There's an article at Wilipedia about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G29-38
Observation Summary

YYYYMMDD JD start - JD end Len[hr] Band Observer RMS10 Sine Amplitude & Period
20110927 5831.633 - 5832.011 9.1 hrs C Garlitz 14 mmag, unusually noisy (due to real variations)
20110927 5831.552 - 5831.742 4.6 hrs R Harvard-Clay 16.2 mmag, noisiness could be due to real variations.
20110926 5831.418 - 5831.630 5.1 hrs Cbb Salas 11.5 mmag, unusually "noisy" for observer Salas, perhaps due to real variations.
Light Curves

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Finder Images

Aladin image.
Gary. This site opened: 2011.09.26. Last Update: 2011.09.26