Basic Info
2MASS 22102767-3004517
RA/DE = 22:10:27.7 -30:04:52
V = 14.0, B-V = -0.20, J = 13.609 (26), K =
13.229 (34)
Observation Summary

20110902 3.4 hrs 5807.095 - 5807.253 Fukui/Tristram RMS10 = 1.2 mmag, smooth
20110901 3.6 hrs 5806.098 - 5806.246 Fukui/Tristram RMS10 = 1.6 mmag, smooth
20110831 3.5 hrs 5804.112 - 5804.258 Fukui/Tristram RMS10 = 1.4 mmag, smooth
20110901 9.4 hrs 5805.902 - 5806.293 Curtis RMS10 = 6.4 mmag (sine: 3.0 ± 1.2 mmag, P = 3.3 hrs)
20110831 3.7 hrs 5804.986 - 5805.139 Tan no apparent variability
20110831 10.0 hrs 5804.897 - 5805.313 Curtis RMS10 = 6.4 mmag (sine: 18.4 ± 1.2 mmag, P = 10.3 hrs)
20110827 2.3 hrs 5801.114 - 5801.200 Tristram/Fukui no apparent variability
Light Curves

raw spo

raw spo

raw spo

raw spo

Predicted "spurious sinusoidal amplitude" is 7.6 mmag so the measured amplitude of 3.0 ± 1.2 mmag is smaller than expected and therefore porbably not "real."

raw spo Overlaps LC by Curtis, below, but not enough to verify structure in Curtis LC.

raw spo

Same data as above; expanded mag scale to show sinusoidal fit. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

raw spo Target label should read "WD2207-303".
Finder Images

Aladin image.
Gary. This site opened: 2011.08.23. Last Update: 2011.09.05