Basic Info
2MASS 21522538+0223192
RA/DE = 21:52:25.4 +02:23:16
V = 12.73, B-V = +0.97; r' = 12.968, UCAC3a
= 13.289, J = 13.203, K = 13.397, Vucac3 = 12.87
Debris disk WD, based on presence of Ca (metal) in spectrum.
Observation Summary

YYYYMMDD JD start - JD end Len[hr] Band Observer RMS10 Sine Amplitude & Period
20110928 5833.300 - 5833.409 2.6 hrs C Corfini 2.8 mmag, smooth (but short)
20110929 5833.611 - 5833.896 6.9 hrs C Garlitz 1.5 mmag, smooth
20110928 5833.315 - 5833.553 5.7 hrs C Srdoc 3.9 mmag, sine: 8.3 ± 0.9 mmag, 2.9 hr, in "maybe" zone.
20110929 5833.621 - 5833.897 6.6 hrs Cbb Gary 1.3 mmag, smooth (sine: 0.5 ± 0.4 mmag, 2.0 hr, in "spurious" zone)
20110928 5833.258 - 5833.428 4.1 hrs G Zambelli 2.1 mmag, smooth
20110927 5832.303 - 5832.430 3.0 hrs C Corfini 3.3 mmag, sine: 5.6 ± 1.0 mmag, 1.15 hr, in "maybe" zone.
Light Curves

raw spo

raw spo

raw spo


I present this simply to show that when RMS10 is low the sine fit solution has negligible amplitude.

raw spo

Amplitude is in the "spurious" zone.

raw spo Looks like a sinusoidal variation. See below.

Yup, ther's a sinusoidal variation that's in the "maybe" region!
Finder Images

SkyMap image of WD2149+021 (blue star in center).

Aladin DSS2
Gary. This site opened: 2011.09.27. Last Update: 2011.09.27