Basic Info
Aliases: 2MASS J21424099+2059582
RA/DE = 21:42:41.0 +20:59:58
V ~ 13.2, B-V = +0.13, CMC14 r' = 13.281, J = 12.981 (21), K = 12.922 (29)
Observation Summary

20110819 4.0 hrs 5793.263 - 5793.430 Ogmen Smooth, sinusoidal variation (1.8 +/- 0.5 mmag, 4.0 hr)
20110819 8.1 hrs 5792.666 - 5793.005 Garlitz Smooth, sinusoidal variation (0.8 +/- 0.4 mmag, 4.0 hr)
20110816 4.6 hrs 5790.669 - 5791.859 Garlitz Smooth, sinusidal variation (1.7 +/- 0.6 mmag, P = 2.0 hrs)
20110818 1.7 hrs 5792.357 - 5792.426 Mendez Smooth
20110817 4.0 hrs 5791.324 - 5791.496 Corfini Smooth
Light Curves

raw spo Can you see the small sinusoidal variation in this LC? No? See the plot below...

10x zoom of previous LC plot, showing a statistically significant 4-hr variation.

raw spo Is there a small sinusoidal variation buried in this LC? See next zoomed LC.

The sinusoid fit isn't statistically significant (2-sigma). The overall curvature is again correlated with air mass, just like 2 days earlier, suggesting that the target's color is bluer than the average of reference stars.

raw spo Do you see the 2-hr periodicity in this LC? The graph below shows this LC zoomed by a factor 10.

The amplitude is statistically significantt at the 3-sigma level. The overall slope is correlated with air mass so it resembles "air mass curvature" - which is usually caused by the target star having a different color from the average of the reference stars.

raw spo

raw spo
Finder Image

Aladin image. Beware of the nearby star to east.
Gary. This site opened: 2011.08.16. Last Update: 2011.08.20