Basic Info
2MASS 01520295+4700066
RA/DE = 01:52:03.0 +47:00:08
V = 12.44, B-V = +0.17; r' = 12.700, J = 12.768,
K = 12.846; UCAC3a = 12.819, Vucac3 = 12.502
Observation Summary

YYYYMMDD JD start - JD end Len[hr] Band Observer RMS10 Sine Amplitude & Period
20110924 5829.301 - 5829.688 9.3 hrs ? Staels 4.0 mmag, sine 5.1 ± 0.7 mmag, 4.9 hrs, visually convincing but still questionable.
20110924 5829.082 - 5829.280 4.8 hrs R Urakawa 1.0 mmag, smooth
20110923 5828.119 - 5828.180 1.5 hrs C Yada 1.1 mmag, smooth
20110924 5828.703 - 5828.959 6.1 hrs C Garlitz 1.1 mmag, smooth; very low noise level & small systematics.
20110924 5828.645 - 5828.981 8.1 hrs C Wiggins 6.3 mmag, smooth w/ 3 noisy times
20110924 5828.591 - 5828.690 2.4 hrs C Vander H. 3.2 mmag, smooth
20110923 5828.334 - 5828.669 8.0 hrs C Srdoc 0.9 mmag, smooth and very low noise! Also, very low systematics.
20110923 5828.417 - 5828.520 2.5 hrs C Mendez 3.0 mmag, smooth
20110923 5828.363 - 5828.519 3.8 hrs C Corfini 2.7 mmag, smooth
Light Curves

raw spo

This looks good to the eye, but it's in the "spurious high" zone - and it's reality is questionable. None of the other 8 LCs show a variation.

raw spo Very low RMS noise! Congratulations to Urakawa on his first submission to PAWM!

raw spo Very low noise. "Short but sweet" on this first submission by Takeshi Yada.

raw spo Very low noise level and small systematics.

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This is probably the best quality LC that I've ever seen! Very low noise (0.9 mmag/10 min) and low systematics. Congratulations to Gregor Srdoc (Croatia).

raw spo

raw spo

Variation is in the "spurious" zone.
Finder Images

Aladin image.
Gary. This site opened: 2011.09.23. Last Update: 2011.09.24