Basic Info
    RA/DE = 00:51:10.2 -20:27:49
    V = 17.19, B-V = +0.97; r' = 17.258
    This is a "faint" WD.
Observation Summary

YYYYMMDD JD start - JD end Len[hr] Band Observer RMS10 Sine Amplitude & Period

20110929 5834.039 - 5834.216 4.2 hrs C
Fukui/Tristram 3.5 mmag, smooth
20110928 5833.057 - 5833.218 3.9 hrs C Fukui/Tristram 3.6 mmag, smooth
20110927 5831.998 - 5832.201 4.9 hrs C Fukui/Tristram 9.4 mmag, noisy near end due to clouds

Light Curves

raw spo

raw spo Occasional clouds.

raw spo Cloud came and ruined the ending.

Finder Images


ESO&SERC false color image.

Villanova Arizona finder image.
WebMaster: B. Gary.  This site opened:  2011.09.27 Last Update:  2011.09.29