Basic Info
2MASS 00231350+4752595
RA/DE = 00:23:13.7 +47:52:59
V = 15.05, B-V = -0.14; r' = 15.559, J = 15.907,
K = 15.846; UCAC3a = 15.751, Vucac3 = 15.295
Could be difficult target due to faintness and nearby
brighter star.
Observation Summary

YYYYMMDD JD start - JD end Len[hr] Band Observer RMS10 Sine Amplitude & Period
20110926 5831.249 - 5831.659 9.8 hrs C Srdoc 8.5 mmag, smooth after noisy beginning
20110925 5830.248 - 5830.667 10.1 hrs C Srdoc 8.5 mmag, questionable long period variation
20110925 5829.635 - 5829.865 5.5 hrs C Garlitz 12.1 mmag, "dip" must be due to "..clouds in the middle of run"
20110924 5829.250 - 5829.665 10.0 hrs C Srdoc 6.6 mmag, smooth
20110924 5829.339 - 5829.681 8.2 hrs C Mendez 18.9 mmag, smooth
20110925 5829.638 - 5829.971 8.0 hrs C Wiggins 5.1 mmag, pretty smooth
Light Curves

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A variation with a period comparable to the observing session length can't be trusted, especially when it's symmetric with airmass.

raw spo "..clouds in the middle of the run."

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Finder Images

Aladin image.
Gary. This site opened: 2011.09.24. Last Update: 2011.09.27