Basic Info
2MASS 00081816+5123165
RA/DE = 00:08:18.2 +51:23:17
V = 13.32, B-V = -0.30; J = 13.948, K =
14.186; UCAC3a = 13.682, Vucac3 = 13.207
Observation Summary

YYYYMMDD JD start - JD end Len[hr] Band Observer RMS10 Sine Amplitude & Period
20110915 5820.098 - 5820.244 3.5 hrs Yada 9.1 mmag, smooth
20110915 5820.344 - 5820.675 8.0 hrs ? Staels 3.9 mmag, sine 17.5 ± 0.8 mmag, 6.8 hrs, incompatible w/ Ayiomamitis
20110916 5820.649 - 5820.940 7.0 hrs C Wiggins 2.8 mmag, unusual variation (?)
20110915 5820.240 - 5820.586 8.3 hrs C Ayiomamitis 4.7 mmag, smooth
20110915 5820.278 - 5820.655 9.0 hrs C Srdoc 2.4 mmag, smooth
20110914 5819.358 - 5819.657 7.2 hrs C Srdoc 3.5 mmag, sine 9.0 ± 0.6 mmag, 5.1 hrs, within the "real" region, but...
20110915 5820.268 - 5820.401 3.2 hrs G Zambelli 2.0 mmag, sine 3.8 ± 0.6 mmag, 2.5 hrs, within the "maybe" region
20110915 5819.539 - 5819.775 5.7 hrs R Harvard-C. 30.5 mmag, sine 72.8 ± 7.0 mmag, 3.3 hrs, incompatible w/ Wiggins
20110915 5819.663 - 5819.805 3.4 hrs C Wiggins 2.2 mmag, sine 5.5 ± 0.7 mmag, 1.9 hrs, within the "maybe" region
20110914 5819.430 - 5819.678 8.2 hrs Cbb Salas 1.2 mmag, sine 1.6 ± 0.3 mmag, 4.0 hrs, within the "spurious" region
Light Curves

raw spo Fades accompanied by noisiness are usually produced by clouds or observing problems.

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Big amplitude, in the "real" region, but incomaptible w/ overlapping Ayiomamitis LC. This is puzzling.

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Although the amplitude is in my "maybe" region I somehow question the reality of this variation.

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"Spurious" variation.

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"Spurious" variation

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This variation is in the "real" region of my spurious amplitude diagram. However, the period is almost as long as the observing session length, and the pattern is correlated with air mass, so this detection deserves confirmation by another observer's LC before being accepted as real. The plot below shows how it is incompatible with the overlapping LC by Salas.

Overlapping LCs showing incompatibility.

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The large amplitude variation must be due to clouds because there's overlap with Wiggins (below) showing 5.5 mmag variation.

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Looks goo dto me; is in "maybe" region.

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Probably "spurious"
Finder Images

Aladin image.
Gary. This site opened: 2011.09.14. Last Update: 2011.09.25