Basic Info
2MASS 00073225+3317275
RA/DE = 00:07:32.2 +33:17:27
V = 13.85, B-V = -0.28; r' = 14.060, J = 14.510,
K = 14.728; UCAC3a = 14.347, Vucac3 = 13.834
Observation Summary

YYYYMMDD JD start - JD end Len[hr] Band Observer RMS10 Sine Amplitude & Period
20110914 5819.277 - 5819.414 3.3 hrs G Zambelli 3.5 mmag, smooth
20110914 5819.245 - 5819.586 8.2 hrs C Ayiomamitis 6.7 mmag, smooth
20110913 5818.330 - 5818.460 3.1 hrs C Staels 5.5 mmag, smooth (short)
20110914 5818.732 - 5819.033 7.2 hrs C Garlitz 4.0 mmag, sine 4.8 ± 0.8 mmag, 3.7 hrs, questionable
20110913 5818.291 - 5818.640 8.4 hrs C Srdoc 4.1 mmag, sine 4.6 ± 0.8 mmag, 4.6 hrs, questionable
20110913 5818.454 - 5818.675 5.3 hrs C Mendez 14.4 mmag, sine 28.3 ± 3.0 mmag, 2.0 hrs, questionable
20110913 5818.277 - 5818.577 7.2 hrs C Ayiomamitis 6.4 mmag, smooth
Light Curves

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I question reality of this variation.

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I don't know what to make of this variation.

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I doubt that this is real. Manuel reports that he used a back-up telescope system for this & guiding wasn't good, allowing star field to drift. This may have produced artifact variations.

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Finder Images

Aladin image.

POSSII image.
Gary. This site opened: 2011.09.13. Last Update: 2011.09.16