"statistical retrieval" (SR) procedure is a
favorite method for converting remotely-sensed observables to desired
properties, called "retrievables." It is an all-purpose tool that has found applications in many
besides remote sensing. The same factors
that render it powerful also render it dangerous on occasion. It must be used carefully, with awareness of
limitations and pitfalls. Since each
situation can usually be served by many possible retrieval procedures,
it is
important that these strengths and weaknesses be "kept in mind" in
relation to the intended use. Sometimes
the SR procedure may not offer the best match to the user's needs. This sub-section will briefly sketch how the
procedure works, and highlight its main strengths and weaknesses.
It will be useful to think in terms of "reality
space" and "observable space." In reality space are the things we want to have values for, such
as air
temperature at a specific altitude. In observable space are the things our
instruments measure, such as brightness temperature at a specific
and viewing direction. Both
"spaces" can have any number of dimensions. It
is straightforward to calculate where in
observable space a set of measurements should be if we first specify
reality space location. This assumes, of
course, that we have complete knowledge of the physics governing thermal
and intervening absorption and scattering. There are no ambiguities transforming in this direction. For every hypothesized location in reality
space our physical model "maps us over" to only one location in
observable space, as illustrated by situations A, B and C in Fig. 10.1
(note that
realities B and C map to the same location in observable space).

Figure 10.1 Mapping forward from Reality Space to Observable Space.

Figure 10.2. Mapping backwards from Observational Space to Reality Space.
It is not
straightforward "mapping back," going from observable space to
reality space. Indeed, there are
one location in observable space may map over to many points in
space, as illustrated by situations "b" and "c" in Fig.
10.2. This situation can occur when
observables are integrated quantities, like brightness temperature. When observing uncertainties are taken into
account we are dealing with mapping back from areas in
observable space to areas
in reality space, as shown by a' in Fig. 10.2. For the situation in which more than one reality produces
identical (or
nearly identical) observables a small area in observable space can map
back to
a large area in reality space. This is
depicted in Fig. 10.2 as situation b'c'.
examples illustrate how care must be taken in
transforming observables to an
inferred reality. It is
necessary to assure that the
"best" solution is obtained, and to assure that formal uncertainties
take proper account of the mapping ambiguities. Sometimes the "best" solution is one that is known to occur often in reality, even though its
corresponding observables are no better than those corresponding to
alternative reality. The SR procedure
can be used to do a powerfully good job of this.
It is true that the SR procedure unfairly favors the more likely
retrieval. Thjis can be viewed as a strength of the SR method. However,
there are situations when the this is a weakness. It sometimes happens
that a specific and unusual meteorological siituation is to be studied.
For example, the winter polar vortex can be very cold at high
altitudes, giving the appearance of a very high second tropopuase. This
T(z) shape will not appear in the archive of old RAOBs, before CFC
mixing ratio had become as large as it is today. Moreover, polar vortex
T(z) shapes are under-represented in the RAOB archive because there are
fewer RAOB stations at polar latitudes. And in addition, RAOB baloons
tend to burst when they are very cold, and lose their elasticity, so
this further reduces the cases of cold T(z) RAOBs in the archive. When
the MTP user anticipates a situation for which the RAOB archive is
unlikely to favor the T(z) shape that is to be studied there are at
least a couple alternative strategies. First, it may be advisable to
conjure up "fake" T(z) shapes designed to represent those that are to
be studied, and treat them as if they were from RAOBs by adding them to
the mix with actual RAOB T(z) data. Second, the user could rely upon
the original Backus-Gilbert retrieval method. The B-G retrieval makes
no assumptions about which T(z) shapes are more likely to be
encountered, so the unusual shapes are therefore given a fairer chance
of being retrieved compared to the SR retrieval method.<>
The SR procedure consists of two parts. First
an archive is created, consisting of
paired sets of realities and observables. For example, we might begin with 100 radiosondes. For each radiosonde we note the values of the
parameters we want to retrieve and we calculate what the observable
should be (using a good physical model and a perfect measuring
instrument). This will produce 100 sets of
locations paired with their corresponding reality locations. (The use of the term "location" is
merely a shorthand way of referring to a set of values, corresponding
to a
"vector" in either observable or reality "space.") In the example just cited, the observables
are "simulated" using a believable physical model.
It is also possible to use real measurements in the SR analysis,
perhaps taken specifically for creating an SR archive. Using real
observables instead of caclulated ones is a an uncommonly used variant,
yet it has the advantage of being unaffected by shortcomings of the
physical model for emission and it also allows for calibration
systematic errors in a way that will not adversely affect later
retrievals. This desireable feature of using real measurements instead
of calculated ones means that if the MTP instrument changes (if it's
repaired, or improved in some way) its measurements may have different
systematic errors which will invalidate the use of the retrieval
coefficients derived from its earlier use.
The next chapter treats MTP observing strategy tradeoffs between
angle-scanning and frequency sampling. The user of an existing MTP
won't benefit by that discussion, but anyone designing an MTP will want
to understand the relative merits of these two observing philosophies.
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